Plumeria obtusa- the graveyard flower Common Name: Frangipani or Champa IUCN Status: Least Concerned The flowering plant Genus Plumeria is originally a native of Bahamas [a Caribbean country]. Now it has been naturalized worldwide. Plant Characteristics: It is a shrub with succulent branches. Plumeria- a shrub with succulent branches The leaves are clustered near the tips of the branches. The leaves are dark and leathery and tend to be shiny on the upper surface. Leaves of Plumeria- under side The flowers are born in clusters at the ends of branches on a long thick stalk. Flowers in clusters at the end of branches Plumeria flowers are funnel shaped with five petals. They are most fragrant at night in order to lure nocturnal Sphinx moths to pollinate them. Plumeria is propagated by stem cutting. History of its name: Carl Linnaeus first described Plumeria in 1753. He named the genus Plumeria after Charles Plumer [Father of West Indian Fl...
Scientific Name: Catharanthus rosea or Vinca rosea or Lochnera rosea IUCN Status: Endangered (in the wild) This flowering plant of Apocynaceae family is native and endemic to Madagascar. Now it is naturalized in all tropical countries. It is also called as Graveyard plant - because the plant’s toughness and ability to survive in desolate, bleak and stony graveyards. It was first described in 1759 by Carl Von Linne -a Swedish Naturalist as Vinca rosea . In 1838, it was renamed as Lochnera rosea by Stephen Ladislaus Endlicher - an Austrain Botanist. At the same time, George Don - a Scottish Botanist created the Genus Catharanthus , from Greek word Katharos ~ pure; anthos ~ a flower; on account of the neat and beautiful flowers distinguishing it from Vinca Genus. The Species roseus means rose colored because of Rosidin - a pink anthocyanin pigment. Its White variant is Catharanthus alba . Due to extensive forest fires in Africa, this Species i...