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Clitoria- the Asian Pigeon Wings

Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea
IUCN Status: Not Evaluated
It is also called Blue Bell Vine, Butter Fly Pea and Darwin Pea. It is called as Aparajitha (Nil and Swet) in Sanskrit and Shanka Pushpam in local parlance.
Nil- Aparajita
It resembles a female Clitoris, hence the Genus name- Clitoria. The blue color is because of its anthocyanin pigments called ternatins, hence the Species name ternatea.
Double petal variant of Clitoria (not so common)
The species name ternatea also refers to Moluccan Island of Ternate from which the earliest known collection of species was reported by Breyne in 1678.

It is called Shanka Pushpi because it resembles a Shanka- a conch shell and it is said to be a favorite of Lord Shankara. Linga, the phallus form likes the Pushpa that is in shape of clitoris. This signifies the natures union of Mother and Lord. 
As its flowers resembles a mussel shell in shape, it is also called Mussel Shell Creeper. 
It is a native of Indian subcontinent and South East Asia, later introduced worldwide. Now it is a anthrogenic pan-tropical species. 
It is a perennial, herbaceous creeper with elliptical, obtuse pinnate leaves.
Perinneal herbaceous creeper
Obtuse Pinnate Leaves
Known for its vivid deep blue flowers, it is a common ornamental plant. Flowers are odorless.

Being a legume, it helps in nitrogen fixation and is used as green manure.
Flowers develop into long flat, green pods each with six to ten seeds inside.
They mature in 8-10weeks after flowering and break readily once full dry and scatter the seeds.
Stages of reproduction- from flowers to seeds
Clitoria’s propagation is by seeds. Radicle emerges within 48-72 hrs after seeds are planted. It is a very fast growing herb, survives for several years. It shows drought tolerance.
Studded with flowers in June the month of Monsoons
Clitoria being an edible flower is widely used for its natural blue pigment. It is well known ingredient of Malayan, Burmese, Indonesian and Thai Cuisines.
Blue Milk
In Malaysia, blue rice is made from it known as nasi kerabu. The Blue Herbal Tea made from these flowers is quite refreshing and worth trying.
Blue Tea🍵

The flowers are dipped in batter and fried and eaten as snacks in Myanmar. In Kerala and Philippines tender fruits are used as a vegetable.
Edible green pods
The blue petals are used in garnishing salads, in soups and icecreams.
Blue Idli😋
Blue Dosa😋
As the name indicates, Clitoria is good for female pelvic health. It keeps us free from urinary tract infections and flushes out toxins from the body. 
It is also for its memory enhancing, anxiolytic, anti- convulsant, tranquilizing and sedative properties in our Ayurveda.
Not only blue, it is available in white and pink colors also. 
Swet Aparajita- the white variant
The pink variety- Clitora fragrans is a rare critically endangered variety of Clitoria found in US. It is a fragrant flower in contrast to white and blue ones.
Clitora fragrans (pic from internet)


  1. Nice habit of recording species. Keep it up and do continue with the same interest.

  2. Beautiful information got abt Blue Bell vine, APARAJITA, N MANY More...
    Thnx dr. Sharmila...
    N one more that
    is in three colours.
    Blue, white n pink,

    I like more blue 😎 is more attractive to me...
    Thanx dr.

  3. Oh wow...wha we know as Shankham puvvulu..Great Info..


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